Monday, August 18, 2014

Will Moringa Survive Even After A Food Stortage?

      Apparently in most articles I have read about the future of food The Moringa Tree as been the center of discussion. government and industry are learning more and more about how one Moringa Tree and change with or not people die if there is indeed a severe food shortage. What would we do in this country when the inevitable happens. Maybe our children's grandchildren won't ever see an orange but they will know Moringa. After reading this and wanted to share it. Taken from Business World online:

Dining in 2050: locusts, moringa, earthworms and seaweed
"Future Feast" explores what people may eat when vast farmlands have disappeared and some species would have died out thanks to climate change. "The challenge was to present the future right now. We can’t think of this in 2050 when it’s too late," said Ms. Young. The result was a dining table loaded with dishes featuring unusual ingredients like locusts and earthworms. "When our food supply runs out, what on earth are we going to eat?," said Ms. Young, noting that these animals are "easier to be farmed. Essentially, you can find a way to farm them yourselves." Ms. Lumen served spicy locusts encased in sweet gelatin, and the flavors and texture of the spicy, crunchy insect and the sweetish and bouncing gelatin complimented each other. The locust gains a crunchy texture from being fried twice, and the spiciness comes from adobo powder and chilies. The clear gelatin also served as a visual tool. "My son, chef Joey (Herrera) said, ‘If you’re going to make them eat locusts, make them see what they’re eating,’" said Ms. Lumen. Mr. Del Rosario served up green-tinged panna cottas made with soy and moringa (malungay) leaves. He chose the moringa for a reason. "It can grow in the worst conditions, and yet they’re very nutritious," he said.

Click here to read more.

Read more about The Miracle Tree, see if its for you. Why not order a 30 day supply and you could feel,    Energy -Vitality - Clarity.

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