Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Moringa Oleiferia Fights Malnutrition Discovery Channel Documentary

After seeing this I'm very sure world hunger will end. Food organizations and scientist agree with education  people can survive using the Miracle Tree in their own back yard. Its too bad it won't grow all over. If you live in climates 9 and 10 you are in luck. If you know anything about this tree then you should be using it if you don't do yourself a favor.  Scientist ask why aren't more people in the Western world  using it. [WATCH]

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Judge Blocks NYC Mayor Bloomberg's Large Soda Ban

His heart is in the right place. part of his job is to protect the public. Maybe, the judge was right, [WATCH]

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Should unhealthy soft drinks be banned?

Today I read an article in the Asian Journal entitled, Should Unhealthy Soft Drinks Be Banned. I say yes, but its a sticky subject. First of all the Philippine government is seriously considering there in fact it's on the table to debate and on the table for a long time. The people that keep trying you to stop you from drinking are fighting with a plethora of lobbyist. The Pharmaceutical companies take a big interest in keeping people fat and unhealthy. Not to name any names. In speaking with people on the streets general consensuses is some one up there is very greedy and people know it , and they know soft drinks are just plain bad for you. I've heard people even say,"there must be something in the stuff cause it is addicting". 
In the article by Philip S.Chua he explains that there drinks are made up of mostly sugars that will lead to various disorders,diabetes and obesity. Obesity is the main topic in these talks because,obesity can lead to problems for you and the health care that is offered It is expensive even in some 3rd world counties.Obesity leads to sickness and that sickness must be treated. So, should a government ban a drink or food that is causing illness? Well they are trying to  ban in New York and again with little success. However I'm thinking If the Mayor of New York finally has his way, other cities and counties will follow. Is it about your right to drink anything that is harmful into your body? Well I say its your body if you have a healthcare provider that will take care of you how you see fit or you have pockets deep enough to pay the enormous cost that will be following when you recover, so be it. The biggest fear for any government throughout the world is bankruptcy. Health care cost can do at. So ask yourself who's paying for your health care?

Read this article.
Outlawed Soft Drinks what a concept!

Benefits of Moringa Oleifera As Seen On The Dr. OZ Show!

Here is another person very happy with the results from using Moringa. She notices without a doubt that her energy levels are up and she says she will never use another multivitamin. More and more people in the U.S. are learning about this amazing tree and gosh with the cost of health care and medicines , it a good idea to begin learning how it can benefit you. I sure someone had to have introduced her to Moringa. Buy some use it and someone will notice how you feel. And them what your using to feel so great and feeling healthy. Be on the lookout on how to get  the best quality Moringa Oleiferia (Malunggay) . Emerald Island Moringa coming soon, watch for it!

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