Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Moringa Oleiferia Fights Malnutrition Discovery Channel Documentary

After seeing this I'm very sure world hunger will end. Food organizations and scientist agree with education  people can survive using the Miracle Tree in their own back yard. Its too bad it won't grow all over. If you live in climates 9 and 10 you are in luck. If you know anything about this tree then you should be using it if you don't do yourself a favor.  Scientist ask why aren't more people in the Western world  using it. [WATCH]


  1. This is a good video and one that could be updated. At Peace and Hope Trust we distribute Moringa Trees to families in Nicaragua. We teach them how to plant, harvest and use the trees. We put Moringa into our schools feeding programme and sell Moringa leaf powder in the UK to enable the further distribution of trees. The results are amazing, real and life life changing. You can check out our work at and

  2. It Looks to me you are doing a great thing there in Nicaragua. Teaching can be the greatest thing one human being can do for another.I will be visiting your website asap.

    Stay Blessed!


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