Saturday, July 8, 2017

Why Bignay Is So Good For You

14 Reasons to Use Bignay:
Cardiovascular Disease
Bignay contains enormous amounts of flavonoids that are highly beneficial for the heart. Especially, catechins possess anti-ageing and anti-carcinogenic properties. They eliminate free radicals and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and protect the heart. It is also said to reduce bad cholesterol levels and improve good cholesterol.

Treats Syphilis
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease. The young leaves of the plant are boiled and used for treating syphilis since long

Urinary Tract Infections
The fruits of this plant are effective in treating urinary tract infections to some extent. It offers relief from infections, which affect our urinary tract.

Snakebite Remedy
In many Asian countries, bignay has been used to treat snakebites. It is a natural cure for snake poison. It is a very good alternative medication for snakebite. So if you find bignay around you when someone is bitten by a snake do not hesitate or think twice use it to save a life

Weight Loss
Studies suggest that bignay tea can help reduce weight effectively. It contains hunger suppressing properties and cholesterol reducing effects. Simply consume a cup of bignay tea 30 minutes before the meal. This will help you shed weight by preventing overeating.

Prevents Premature Aging
Cetachins present in the fruit combat diseases and free radical damages in the body. It also contains other antioxidants that help prevent premature aging and support our health. Antioxidants delay the formation of fine lines and wrinkles and keep your skin youthful.

Colon Cleanser
Bignay is a great colon cleanser. It detoxifies the body and eliminates toxins from the system. It is especially effective for removing toxins that are harmful to the colon. It improves digestion as well as assimilation and treats gastrointestinal problems.

Regulates Blood Pressure
Research has revealed that bignay fruit and leaf extract contains blood pressure lowering properties. It is extremely beneficial for people with hypertension. It lowers blood pressure and prevents various health issues caused due to hypertension.

When consumed in good amounts, Bignay fruit has a laxative effect. Therefore, using it in a restricted way will offer relief to people suffering from constipation

Improves Immune System
The stimulating property of bignay helps in improving the metabolism level. Improved metabolism means fewer infections. Thus, the fruit helps in boosting the immune system.

Good For Liver
Bignay tea helps in decreasing the levels of SGPT (alanine aminotransferase) and SGOT (aspartate aminotransferase) thereby helping to keep the liver healthier.

Hair Growth
Bignay has a range of beneficial compounds like procyanidin B2 and flavonoids, which have well-documented benefits. The tannin has compounds that promote epithelial cell growth. Hence, acts as a hair growth agent.

Bignay has several medicinal advantages and helps in treating/controlling various ailments including diabetes. Diabetic patients can include bignay in their daily diet to control their blood sugar levels.

Sexual Related Problems
Bignay is used to treat sexual related problems. Studies have shown that the fruit when boiled and used is really effective in treating such problems.
Credit - Top Health Remedies

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