Saturday, January 26, 2013

What is in your Energy Drink?

PepsiCo  changed the ingredients in Gatorade. The popular energy drink was found to have  toxic and harmful additives. Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO), Mercury and Red #40. Also high amounts of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) which health organizations say lead to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. and is one of main contributors of obesity in our modern day society. Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) is added to lots of soft drinks and citrus juices to keep flavoring separated and create a uniform product. BVO is also used as flame retardant and has many potential side effects including neurological disorders. Mercury, a well known poison and neurotoxin. Mercury not only damages the brain, but it also effects the liver and kidneys. Red #40 is the most common dye used in the United States.According to The UK Food Guide, Red #40 has been banned in in most of Europe including Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria and Norway. This is due to some disturbing research in children that showed it can contribute to hyperactivity. The Gatorade was billed to be for athletes and for those who worked and played hard . It was suppose to replace much needed hydration into your body. Instead it turns out it's harmful and is being pulled. That's only for starters most juices and energy drinks today have much of the same ingredients. Moringa Oleifera has all of whats needed to not only restore nutrients we lose being active but also can restore good health. I start my day with some Moringa Tea and I'm good for the day. No downer effect after a few hours. If you compare Moringa Tea with, your most popular energy drink. Moringa will keep you energized much much longer with no side effects and a restful sleep at night. Oh and by the way, you can compare cost per unit. Compare save and drink to good health.
Just use Moringa for 30 days. Perhaps you  can feel energize longer with not side effects

Monday, January 21, 2013

RECIPES: Moringa is the vegetable Viagra

Eat your Veggies, they will come in handy later in life. I would  think Moringa enhances the libido male or female. 
Check out the link for the recipe and then pass it on.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Cure For Diabetes?

This is a little off topic , but I just had to share this. It's seems bird seed might be a way to remove sugars from your body. Not sure about the whole process but I'll do more research and keep you posted.
In the mean time take a a look and pass it on.
I believe these seeds did help cure diabetes in this particular case.On the other hand its said that the seeds will help with blood sugar a great deal but the disease will always be there if you have it.
Is this just hype or fact? Comment.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Featured again on the View

Seems the the tree of life is getting national notoriety again on nationwide TV. That's 2 appearances just with-in months of each other.
I'm sure by now Moringa Products are part of the lives of a few of those host on the show and I'm sure the producers as well. "Gotta have their OK you know."
I'm sure one of those busy producers tried it and was amazed.With the everyday demands of such a job, I'm sure Moringa tablets are making a difference in someones life on The View .
Moringa Oleiferia has most of the vital nutrients we need to , feel happy ,energized and strong are there for you, all you have to do is use it.
I could tell you what Moringa is doing for me ,but then I will have to tell you that your results might not be the same. My results were improved eye sight.I've been taking it about 10 months now. There could be just a result that aids your weakness as well as the immune system. I know my results have been overwhelmingly positive. My energy level is constant and not over active. I believe Moringa is very good for all active people and for people who are not eating the right foods or enough to receive basic nutritional benefits,which may result in obesity and malnutrition. "Put This in your Body"

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