Friday, February 17, 2017

What are Guyabano Leaves Used For


Known as a sedative, a nerve tonic, and used to maintain proper intestinal health, Guyabano is just one medicinal tool stemming from the Graviola tree. Each part of the Graviola tree, such as the bark, leaves, roots, fruit, and seeds have been used for medicinal purposes. Also known as Guanabana in Latin culture the tree is used widely for medicinal purposes such as weight loss and an alternative use for health problems.

"I personally can testify that while in the Dominican Republic I was bitten buy mosquitoes. For relief I made a small amount of paste made with  leaves from the Graviola Tree aka Soursop. It was not only soothing but it took the swelling down.The paste from the leaves definitely took the itching away. In come cases itching returned. I simply added another  small peace of paste. Try my Guyabano Powder. Just click the Buy Now button below or click here to view on eBay.

James  K.


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