Monday, March 10, 2014

How Should I Take Moringa Powder ?

How to take Moringa.
How much Moringa should I take?
How should I take Moringa?
Are there side-effects?
START: Introduce Moringa to your diet. How much moringa to take?
1.Start with half a teaspoon per day for 3 - 5 days! preferably with breakfast (tips below) and ALWAYS with food. Moringa powder is strong and will manifest side effects if taken in too large doses.
2. After 3-5 days increase your intake: 1 teaspoons per day total is plenty for a healthy person. If you are recovering from illness or suffer from any chronic condition that affects you physically, two teaspoons per day may be better -BUT if your stomach is struggling because it needs to cope with medication it is better to slow things down.
If you are healthy and physically very active, three teaspoons per day is possible. Unless you are body building, more may be a waste.
3. After 2 Weeks: You may want to take Moringa every second day after a while -Listen to your body. You will notice if your dosage is too high. Just take less, or skip a day -or two. Your body is unique as are its needs. After two weeks of regular use you can begin to make changes in how much and when you take Moringa. Remember, you can't force the body's processes, so don't take Moringa as a quick-fix.
Take it regularly as part of your diet and you should get the miracle benefits -many of which are preventative. When to take Moringa Most who take only one teaspoon daily take Moringa in the morning with breakfast.
Those who struggle after lunch, usually take it with lunch. Those who take it to improve digestion or sleep, take it with dinner.
The 3 Day Rule: You are going to have to see what works best for you. A three day regimen taking Moringa at a specific time will tell you what results are for you by taking it at that time. Not everyone takes Moringa daily. Some take less daily, others take 1 or two teaspoons every second or third day. Remember Moringa is for the entire body, not just the tongue. 
  Health Risks: Like all dark green foods, such as Spinach, Moringa thickens the blood. If you are on blood-thinning medication or are pregnant, consult your health care practitioner before taking Moringa.
  Moringa with Food: Recipes Breakfast Take in a juice, or mix into your breakfast. It will go green! Honey works well to mask the taste. You can take half a teaspoon with cereal or oats to lessen the impact of the taste. Salad Sprinkle your Moringa over wet salad - you wont notice it. Cooked Meals Sprinkle Moringa powder over the food just before serving.
You can stir it in, but  DON'T COOK Moringa powder, it diminishes the nutritional value. Smoothies Go to town! but for best results, add lemon, honey or dates. A full teaspoon will often affect the taste, so go for half a teaspoon. Juice Add only half a teaspoon of Moringa to juice to prevent spoiling the taste. Taste One easily masks half a teaspoon of Moringa.
If you drink high-green smoothies, you can do one. If taste is an issue, you need to take less more frequently. Again. given the benefits of regular Moringa intake, should your tongue get such a big say? Moringa Tea South Africa You can add our Moringa powder to hot water to create a tea. Obviously you will need to strain it through a cloth.
Do not boil the Moringa, add it to a pot of pre-boiled water an let it brew for 3-5 minutes. Moringa tea has less nutrients than taking the powder.
By adhering to the Do's and Dont's below, you can't go wrong.
DO NOT Don't cook Moringa powder. Heat above 47 degrees Celsius de-potentizes raw food.   Minerals survive, but many phyto-nutrients -including vitamins take a huge knock.
DO NOT Take too much too soon! See the next point.
DO NOT Take Moringa on an empty stomach! Moringa makes a brilliant and natural laxative. In the beginning, 1 to 2 teaspoon on an empty stomach should do it.
DO Keep your powder dry. Moringa ferments in no time at all. Great compost, but too expensive. •Keep Your Powder Out of the Sun. The Chlorophyll in Moringa carries goodness.
Take Moringa Regularly. Moringa is a food, not a medicine. It works best preventatively. Moringa Side Effects (or are they?) Moringa side effects are rare and indicate one may have taken it wrong. Firstly - we've seen it at least a hundred times: People get their Moringa and immediately take too much...
SLOW DOWN. Moringa is not a silver bullet, it is food, and it is potent. Give your body the time it needs to adapt and gain the benefits. You cannot rush your system, but you can make it very uncomfortable by bombarding it with something strong. Nausea: If Moringa makes you nauseous you are taking too much... lower your intake and build up slower, or spread your intake over three meals. Three days will do it. Runny Tummy or Laxative Moringa is very potent. The average person can take 2-3 teaspoons on an empty stomach with water to use it as a fast acting and natural laxative. Remember people differ so, will the impact of how much you take. Many use Moringa and an increased water intake to keep them regular - this does not require taking it on an empty stomach. If you get a runny tummy from Moringa, just reduce your dossage, or take it when your stomach has food in it. Heartburn: If you take moringa neat with water, or very little else to mix with, it can cause a heartburn-like sensation. If this happens to you, mix it with something thicker, or take it with food. Like all green foods Moringa thickens the blood. This is of note to those on blood-thinning medication.
                                                 Energy - Vitality - Clarity


  1. I love this post I must sincerely say. I did an article on Moringa seeds and is wow! Kindly check it out at MORINGA

  2. Yes thanks, I found it interesting

  3. Would the blood thickening have an effect on High blood pressure?


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